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Griffith College: pathways to Nursing or Health Science

Learn about: the Diploma of Health Care vs the Diploma of Health Science

Griffith College offers two very distinct health programs to meet the specific needs of the health programs with our partner, Griffith University.

The Diploma of Health Care is a targeted program blending the art of caring with the science of anatomy and physiology. All the educators for the clinical courses are registered nurses with additional qualifications in teaching and health education. It is a direct pathway to the second year of the Bachelor of Nursing at Griffith University.

The Diploma of Health Science is a science-based program designed to prepare students for an allied health or health science pathway, including areas such as pharmacy, laboratory assistant, pathology technician or allied health worker to mention a few. The educators have science-based degrees and backgrounds.


Tips for advising students

When advising students, it is important to note that the two health programs are not interchangeable and few courses will provide credit into the other. We recommend that students should be carefully advised into the most appropriate program as it is not usually possible to change between programs.

It is also important to note that both programs have strict entry numbers to the Griffith University bachelor’s degrees. Nursing and some of the Allied Health degrees are quota programs with strict numbers accepted by Griffith University. The number of student enrolments to the College are carefully managed to ensure students have a fair opportunity.

Nursing and some Allied Health degrees are very popular and it is important that students are advised of the quota and the need to maintain a good GPA to ensure they can transition to their preferred bachelor’s degree.

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